Take the “What kind of a**hole are you dealing with” quiz
and find out quickly how to deal with him

You can always come back and do the other quiz as well

Does this resonate?

You're dealing with a**hole men — condescending, sabotaging, impossible.

A-hole men who are blocking you, diminishing you and making your career, business and life difficult.

You have to put a facade up so men don’t come over you like a pack of hyenas on a wounded lion.

And to make things even worse, you feel like a traitor because you allow things to be the way they are, you're embarrassed because you allow that toxic environment to go on.

You feel like you're doing a disservice to other women, and allowing other men to see that weakness which then opens up new opportunities for hurt, frustration, and anger.

If that resonates with you, know that you're not alone!

So let’s get you to know what type of a**hole you’re dealing with and how to get into a much better position.

  • It takes just 3 minutes

  • It’s completely free

  • Get an instant solution on how to deal with your type of a**hole

  • Get insight into the psyche of a**holes so you can act accordingly

  • Assessment is private and confidential

Take the Free “What kind of a**hole are you dealing with” Assessment